Abstract: The subjects in the title are interwoven in many different and very deep ways. I recently wrote several expository accounts that reflect a certain range of developments, but even in their totality they cannot be taken as a comprehensive survey. In the format of a 30-page contribution aimed at a general mathematical audience, I have decided to illustrate some of the basic ideas in one very interesting example – that of Hilb(C^2, n), hoping to spark the curiosity of colleagues in those numerous fields of study where one should expect applications.
本文通过具体的例子:复平面C^2上n个点的Hilbert概型Hilb(C^2, n)及其类比:三维簇的Donaldson-Thomas理论,引入丰富的结构:计数代数几何,几何表示论, 中岛的箭簇(quiver varieties),量子可积系统,量子群的几何作用,K-理论,单值化和导出等价。
4-PL003 Okounkov.pdf