Wavefront Reconstruction via Unconstrained Complex Variable Optimization
主 题: Wavefront Reconstruction via Unconstrained Complex Variable Optimization
报告人: 李季 (kaiyun体育官方网站)
时 间: 2015-11-06 12:00-13:15
地 点: 理科一号楼 1560
In this talk, we introduce the classical inverse problem—wavefront reconstruction—in optics. The problem is to find the phase of a complex-valued function given its Fourier transform and amplitude. Two nonconvex objectives, which are real functions of complex variables, are derived in framework of phase diversity. We develop several optimization algorithms, which directly operate the complex gradient, applied to the problem. LBFGS has shown more robust performance in numerical simulation. Besides, the global convergence to a stationary point are proven. The choice of the optimal defocus length can be determined by the Cramér–Rao lower bound. 员工学术午餐会是在公司领导的大力支持下,由员工会负责组织的系列学术交流活动。午餐会每次邀请一位同学作为主讲人,面向全院各专业背景的员工介绍自己科研方向的基本问题、概念和方法,并汇报近期的研究成果和进展,是员工展示自我、促进交流的学术平台,已经举办了六期活动。员工会将于2015年11月6日周五举办第七期学术午餐会活动,欢迎感兴趣的老师和同学积极报名参加。